Information project about the situation with waste in Belarus,
Ukraine, Moldova and Armenia.
In the process of life, we produce a huge amount of waste.
2 billion tons annually worldwide. According to the forecasts of the World Bank, this figure will only increase as the world's population grows.
By 2030 — up to 2.58 billion tons and almost 2 times
more by 2050 — up to 3.77 billion tons.
We risk literally drowning in garbage if we do not
change our consumer habits.
Not all of this array is recycled, most of it is sent to landfills.
Landfills affect our health and the environment.
As the waste decomposes, it releases numerous toxic
substances into the air. Salts of heavy metals and other carcinogens
penetrate water and soil.
That is why waste management has become a major
environmental problem in many countries.
What to do with this legacy?