Plastic Crisis in Armenia
Of all types of municipal solid waste (MSW), plastic is the most problematic. This material based on synthetic or natural macromolecular compounds — polymers — was invented by Leo Baekeland in 1907, and already in the 1960s became a major threat to environmental pollution, especially the oceans.

And although there are no sea or ocean coasts in Armenia, the large-scale use of plastic has serious negative consequences. According to OSCE estimates for 2016, plastic packaging, bottles and bags have become the main water pollutants in the country. Armenia annually imports more than 622 tons of plastic bags, and generates disproportionately more garbage from polyethylene — about 5,000 tons!
The problem is ripe, but still ignored
All in all, according to a study by the Acopian Center for the Environment of the American University in Armenia (AUA), about 740,000 tons of municipal solid waste were generated in 2019. On average, one resident of Yerevan accounts for 300 kg of garbage per year, in the regions — 220 kg. For comparison, in the EU countries over the same period, this figure was 40% less — 501 kg.

In the structure of waste in Armenia, 46% is food, 10% gardening, 7% textiles, 6% paper and cardboard, 4% glass, 3% diapers, 2% metals and 9% mixed waste. And 13% belongs to plastic.
However, these values may turn out to be far from the truth, since, according to Harutyun Alpetyan, an expert on circular economy of the AUA Acopian Environmental Center, statistics on solid waste in Armenia are not mandatory and are collected mainly within the framework of some programme, during a certain year. Municipal authorities report the data to the Statistical Committee on Industrial Waste, and these data are most often not true.

The problem is that the country does not have a clearly formulated policy in the field of waste management. The topic has only recently begun to rise in society thanks to private youth initiatives that call on the authorities to install sorting containers everywhere in Armenia, or at least in the capital.

The Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Waste”, according to Harutyun Alpetyan, interprets the definition of garbage very vaguely. According to the document, waste are the remains of raw materials, products formed in the process of production or consumption, as well as those products that have lost their original consumer properties.
“To get accurate data, you need to have scales at the landfills,” says Harutyun Alpetyan. “However, how to determine whether a given product has lost its consumer properties or not? It depends on the consumer, they decide when to throw away the product”.

Harutyun Alpetyan. Photo from his archive

The European Union Directive of 2008 rephrases the term “waste”: these are materials and objects that the person or organization that has them disposes of, intends to dispose of or is obliged to dispose of (in case of hazardous waste).
The invisible threat
The problem of pollution with plastic waste has been known for a long time: 80 years ago it was found in the stomachs of seabirds. Now for this reason, about 1 million birds die every year, and it is predicted that by 2050 plastic will become a threat to 99% of seabird species. There is little information about such a “derivative” of it as microplastics. There is none in Armenia either. In the country, no one has done research to assess the extent of plastic pollution, let alone microplastics. These are the smallest polymer particles less than half a millimeter in size, resulting from the release of plastic waste into the environment and insoluble in water. They cannot be collected, disposed of or recycled.

In Armenia no one has done research to assess the extent of microplastics pollution

According to Harutyun Alpetyan, microplastics have two main sources. The first is plastic that ends up in water bodies and undergoes photodegradation. And the second is often ignored. “When we wash clothes that contain polyester, a lot of microplastic comes out of the clothes and goes down the drain. Effluent flows into rivers, Lake Sevan and groundwater. Therefore, microplastics are present almost everywhere,” the expert draws attention to the problem.
Microplastics are really everywhere , from high and inaccessible peaks such as Mt. Everest at an altitude of 8850 meters above sea level, to the Arctic ice and the deepest layers of the ocean. It accumulates in the soil, moves along rivers, settles in water bodies, for example in Belarus, where it was found in absolutely all water samples from 28 lakes in concentrations from 0.02 to 5 particles per 1 liter. It even “lives” in plants, animals and people. It is a fact that microplastics have been detected in the feces of newborns, in the blood and breast milk of their mothers, in the placenta, and in 2022 — for the first time deep in the lungs of people were recorded.
Microplastics are almost non-biodegradable and can remain in the ground or water in the form of tiny fragments for centuries. When it is broken into microscopic fibers, balls and fragments, it behaves differently. These particles release toxic chemicals, including carcinogens. Their rough surface traps other toxins and microbes, transporting them to new environments or bodies. Microplastics have been shown to affect gene expression and the endocrine system in various animals. Plastic microfibers can penetrate deep into the lungs, causing asbestos-like damage.

Microplastics do cause harm at high enough concentrations and will continue to accumulate for a very long time. If tomorrow we stop burning fossil fuels, we will immediately stop releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. But if we stop producing plastic, then, already existing in our buildings, household appliances, furniture, cars, clothes, toys, tools and garbage, it will continue to break down and replenish the microplastic porridge of the entire planet.
Poison inside
But that's not all. After all, what are plastics made of? 144 different chemicals or their groups that are hazardous to human health may be added to it. With the help of these additives, plastics are given various properties: from antimicrobial activity to dyes, flame retardants, solvents, UV stabilizers and plasticizers. For example, many food containers, infant formula bottles, plastic water bottles, and hygiene products contain the industrial chemical Bisphenol A (BPA). Now it is already found in the blood of 9 out of 10 Americans, according to research. And 99% of the pregnant women tested had PFCs, perfluorinated chemicals used in non-stick cookware, and PBDEs, polybrominated biphenyls used in fire retardants.

In the production of food packaging and a wide range of consumer products - from cleaning products to cosmetics and clothing — they also add PFAS — a group of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. They have thermal, water, frost and dirt-repellent properties, are extremely toxic and recognized as “eternal chemical environmental pollutants”. For this reason they are banned in the EU and in many states of the USA.

Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) is a universal problem. Testing of human samples shows that almost all people have EDCs in their bodies.

Dr. Iwone Mirpuri of the Portuguese Foundation of the same name compiled a list of the harmful effects of EDCs:

  • reduced fertility, which has been reduced by 50% over the past 50 years due to poor sperm quality and higher rates of endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome and miscarriages;
  • increased levels of obesity, diabetes and heart problems;
  • increase in the number of heart attacks;
  • early puberty;
  • a fourfold increase in the incidence of breast, prostate and testicular cancer since 1943;
  • increased breathing problems, such as asthma;
  • deviations in brain development (cognitive, behavioral, etc.).

As for bioplastics and biodegradable plastics, which are positioned as more environmentally friendly, they contain the same chemical additives as conventional plastics and also have a disruptive effect on the endocrine system, says Knarik Grigoryan, hygienist of the Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment NGO.

Even more dangerous when burned
Not only is the impact of microplastics on human health not studied in Armenia, but no one has yet assessed the harm from burning garbage at many landfills. This is often practiced in the country.
“At high temperatures, plastic waste starts the process of spontaneous combustion, and the gases released are extremely toxic and even carcinogenic,” emphasizes Knarik Grigoryan.
She reminded of explosion at the Surmalu market in Yerevan on August 16, 2022. Many of the items sold there had PFAS in them. As they burned, nerve gas was released during their decay. And in a gasified state, the microparticles of burning PFAS can be carried tens of kilometers in the direction of the wind. The air was extremely poisonous. Rescuers, journalists, volunteers and residents of the area were seriously injured.

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Video: Factortv


Enemy in a tube of toothpaste
The problem of microplastic pollution is practically not discussed in Armenia. There is little information about it in Armenian. However, cosmetics dealers began to write indiscriminately on social networks that their products do not contain microplastics.
“However, recent international studies show that 9 out of 10 daily care and cosmetic products contain microplastics,” says dermatologist and dermatoscopist Veronika Navasardyan.

Veronika Navasardyan. Photo from her archive

How do I know if my toothpaste or shower gel contains microplastics? It is necessary to find “polypropylene” or polymethylene” in their composition. Behind them lies microplastics.
“The use of microplastics in care products by a manufacturer is beneficial and effective. Polypropylene and polymethylene ensure the interaction of chemicals with each other, give the product density, as, for example, in nail polishes, which, thanks to additives, turn out to be of better quality,” says Navasardyan.
Microplastics can mainly be found in exfoliating products: various scrubs, shower gels, toothpastes.
Veronika Navasardyan refers to the latest foreign research. According to it, people who do not pay attention to microplastics in the composition of the products used have an increased risk of bacterial, viral, microbial skin infections. Since plastic particles are introduced into the hair follicles, pores, increasing the likelihood of infection of the skin.

And although microplastics penetrate the body through cosmetics in a fairly small amount, the doctor recommends giving preference to those products that are controlled by reputable health organizations. There is also a way out for manufacturers: they can instead add clay or wax to their compositions.
Difficulties with recycling
In Armenia, most of the plastic waste ends up in landfills, because recycling is not yet economically viable. From what is partially recyclable — glass, paper, cardboard, metals and several types of plastic. A small amount of organic matter, such as cow dung or straw, is “turned” into biohumus. Difficulties with recycling are due to poor organization of waste collection and sorting. There are waste sorting stations only in Yerevan, and they were put into operation only in February 2021.
According to the Acopian Center, in Armenia 41 private waste recycling organizations are registered: 7 of them “work” with plastic, 2 with glass, 9 recycle paper, 2 rubber, 9 organics, 9 metals, 1 methane, 2 hazardous, mainly medical waste.
In 2020, the country passed a law prohibiting the use of plastic bags less than 50 microns thick in retail outlets from January 1, 2022. With a greater thickness — they became paid. This forced citizens (of course, not all of them, since there was no general information about the advisability of such a measure) to go to the store with their bags or replace them with paper bags. In the same year, Yerevan Municipality increased the fine for littering in an unintended place to 50,000 drams (about $130-150).

“It's like brushing your teeth”
In the absence of proper state regulation in the field of waste management, positive changes should begin with individual responsibility, young activist Mariam Yeghiazaryan believes. In an attempt to reduce her own ecological footprint, she develops a culture of sorting waste in her surroundings and serves as an example for colleagues at work.

“Separating garbage and sending it for recycling is not a heroic step, it’s like brushing your teeth,” she says.
Mariam Yeghiazaryan. Photo from her archive
She is concerned about the amount of waste in Armenia.

ГThree years ago, there were no sorting containers in Yerevan. Only a few initiatives accepted garbage. Among them is the non-governmental organization Article No. 3 Club. It built a special platform in the yard where people could put the collected waste. Mariam took hers there too.

“I stored the waste at home on the balcony, and then handed it over. It used to be that I announced a garbage day to myself and went to the city to collect bottles thrown near the trees, then washed them, sorted them and dragged them in a big bag to the place of delivery,” says Mariam.

Her bag almost always contains eco-bags for trash cans, gloves, alcohol for disinfection, food for cats and dogs. Now the activist is thinking about buying a garbage rake.
If at first her parents were surprised by her lifestyle, now they also sort waste.

“Before, one of the main topics at the New Year's table was that Mariam goes, collects someone else's garbage and brings it home, but now they have begun to discuss global warming. It makes me very happy,” she says.

The girl does the same at work, sorting plastic and paper. Colleagues discourage her, they say, it's pointless, all the same, the garbage will be unloaded at one dump. But Mariam is adamant and replies to all exhortations that she is developing the culture of waste sorting and fulfilling her duty.

Persuade by setting an example
Mane Voskerchyan is also trying to inspire others with her own example.

She is an international business development specialist with her own organic business and lives with her husband and two children. Mane follows the commandments she professes: she uses public transport to reduce her ecological footprint, buys clothes in second-hand stores, composts organic waste. She did not come to an eco-friendly lifestyle right away. The first thoughts about this came to her 10 years ago, when she gave birth to her first child in Delhi, India. There was a lot of talk about how polluted the local air and food is, says Mane. She admits that the changes did not become coercion, she simply realized that it was impossible otherwise.

She started by reducing her family's consumption of processed foods (sausages, chips, sweets). She began to bake cakes and cook homemade pasta, grow fruits and vegetables, at the same time introducing children to work in the garden and garden.

“We often gather with friends in the country house, and if before, after each meeting, there was a big pile of plastic bottles, now everyone knows that you can’t bring food in a package to us,” she says. “I am very annoyed when I have to buy such products. I buy milk in stores where I can go with my glass jar. I take cleaning products in the largest package so that it lasts for a long time.”
Mane Voskerchyan. Photo from her archive
And in some cases, says Mane, household chemicals can be replaced with ordinary soda and vinegar She does not hesitate to update her clothes in second-hand stores, while choosing things from natural fabrics.

“I don’t use deodorants, many skin care products that contain silicone or microplastics,” she continues.
Plastic art
There are places in Yerevan where heaps of rubbish regularly accumulate. In one of these, designer Arman Manukyan decided to make a mosaic of plastic bottle caps.

“With it, I wanted to show not only that waste cannot be thrown there, but also that garbage can be a work of art,” he explains.
Arman Manukyan. Photo from his archive
For example, to create a portrait of the famous writer William Saroyan, the designer used 4,000 caps. He collects lids from containers himself, accepts them from friends and even strangers.

Now his works can be found more and more often in Yerevan. With their help, Arman is trying to draw public attention to the problem of plastic recycling.
Recycle old or make new?
In Armenia, the dilemma is now relevant: to recycle or produce a new product?
“If production from primary raw materials becomes more expensive than recycling, this will be justified. When the state taxes the import of primary raw materials, while simultaneously exempting the import of secondary raw materials, it stimulates the reproduction of secondary raw materials,” says Harutyun Alpetyan, an expert on the circular economy.
It happens that it is easier to produce goods from primary raw materials, because it is difficult to obtain secondary raw materials of the required degree of purification and comply with standards. For example, syringes must go through a much more complex recycling process before they can be reused. Additional heat treatment increases costs. By the way, in Austria glass bottles are not washed and reused, as in Armenia. There they are melted down and made again.

Therefore, clear laws governing this area are needed.

“Since there are no statistics on recycled waste in Armenia, it is difficult to say how far we have progressed in this matter. For example, lids from sour cream jars or egg cartons made from PET are thrown away by our processors because they don't have the right shredder. In this, we are far behind the leading countries,” sums up Harutyun Alpetyan.