Organic and medical waste in Moldova
Straight to the landfill
Organic waste makes up almost half of all the waste generated in the world, and Moldova is no exception. This figure in the country is even more than 50%, according to the What a waste 2.0 study.

It is waste that is the main source of methane emissions into the environment in Moldova and the third source of greenhouse gases after energy and transport.
Various types of organic waste end up in the landfills of the country — from food to cut grass, leaves and branches. This situation is typical for both rural and urban landfills, even if some settlements try to compost biowaste in an organized manner.
Organics in a landfill. Photo: Ecovisio
According to the leading specialist of the Information and Media Communications Service of the Environmental Agency Natalya Paliy, this type of waste is not taken into account separately, it is included in municipal waste, of which 68,324.63 tons were generated in 2021.

Decomposing in landfills and releasing methane, organic waste very often causes fires. (photo of fires from the folder) The situation is aggravated by the illegal practice of burning dry grass in autumn or early spring. Thus, in January-February 2022, more than 1,300 vegetation burns occurred in Moldova on an area of over 6,000 hectares. In total, almost 10,000 forest fires were recorded in the previous year.


What does the law say?
In the Republic of Moldova, organic waste management is carried out in accordance with Law No. 209, which entered into force in 2016.

  • According to Article 56, the following must be ensured:
a) separate collection of biowaste for composting and fermentation;
b) handling it in such a way as to achieve a high level of environmental protection;
c) production of materials from biowaste without risk to nature.

  • Biodegradable waste from parks and gardens should be collected separately and transported to composting stations or individual composting platforms. If “organics” contains hazardous substances, then it is prohibited to process it at composting stations.
According to the administrator of the public association “e-Circular” Aurelia Bahnaru, there are provisions in the law that favor the composting of “organics”, but “no more”.
“There are no planned goals set, how much organic waste should be composted. There is a lot of discussion in society about the fact that they are collected separately from recyclable waste. Although civil society had specific proposals to promote composting. It is possible that the National Waste Management Programme, which has not yet been approved, will pay more attention to this and similar practices,” said Aurelia Bahnaru.
Aurelia Bahnaru. Photo: Facebook of Aurelia Bahnaru
Composting for every home!


Composting promotes natural decay. Organic matter becomes a fertilizer for humus faster without large methane emissions. The advantage is that you can get humus from biowaste both in a private house and in an apartment building. The only difference is in the methods. For those who live on the ground, the easiest option is lazy composting. In a pile, you can rake food waste, as well as leaves, grass, branches on the site. Leaves, by the way, can be left where they fell: they will become mulch for beds, will prevent the growth of weeds, retain moisture in the soil, protect it from overheating and frost, and provide many other useful services.

You can read more about the benefits of a “natural blanket” of leaves at the link.
For residents of apartments there is the option of bokashi (from Japanese — fermentation) — anaerobic composting. This is a controlled fermentation of organic waste to the state of precompost. The resulting mixture can be buried somewhere in the ground or placed in a compost bin and covered with leaves and dry grass.
Bokashi — composting for city apartments. Photo: Ecovisio
Despite the existing methods, in Moldova, according to Aurelia Bahnaru, there are few projects for the composting of biodegradable waste, and investment is also scarce.


“We do not have a market focused on the production and sale of compost. There are no standards developed so that it can be sold. Many do not see composting as a profitable business, so investments are not even attracted to this sector. Basically, composting is part of projects implemented by civil society with the support of external financiers. Some households and farmers are also involved in it, who collect waste, produce compost from it and use it as fertilizer in greenhouses,” explained the expert.
Food for earthworms
However, there are still some civil initiatives in this area. And even in the city. Thus, the problem with the accumulation of food waste and the lack of infrastructure for its disposal in Chisinau prompted high school student Ilinca Ursu to organize a separate collection of “organic matter” in her yard. She convinced the neighbors to sort food waste and find a creative use for it: it became food for earthworms. As the girl admits, she decided on this social experiment, disappointed with the irresponsibility of people throwing everything into the general garbage. She was also annoyed by the smells that dominated in the apartment building.
“I gathered the tenants and told them about the idea. In the place where there are ordinary garbage cans, I installed two containers for organic and food waste. Everyone who wished could receive a hermetically sealed plastic bucket for “organics” from the kitchen,” says Ilinca. “At first I wanted to make a compost pit near the yard. The finished compost could be used for vegetable gardens in our neighborhood and fertilizer for flowers. There was also the idea that an agency would collect the organic waste, but this proved impossible. In the end we found a farm that grows earthworms. It just needed organic waste. Workers come and pick it up from our containers when they are full.”
Ilinca Ursu. Photo: Ecovisio
According to Ilinca, at first the neighbors complained that the initiative did not make life easier for them. But gradually people got involved, especially when they felt the benefits: if the “organics” are collected separately, the garbage can be taken out of the house less often.
Guerrilla composting
The founder of the “Ask a Worm” initiative, Eugen Guzun, proposed another way to solve the problem — guerrilla composting. It means that people do not expect infrastructure from the state, but create it themselves in the city.
We have installed several simple composting stations from pallets in public and private areas at our own expense and with the support of some projects and organizations. Although few of them have survived to this day and are used by a limited number of people, it was a useful and, I would say, a bold experiment. It showed us that although it is difficult, everything is possible under a number of conditions,” says Eugen.
Eugen Guzun. Photo: Ecovisio
The initiator of guerrilla composting in Moldova dreamed of creating at least one composting point in each district of Chisinau. He wanted to show how much less waste goes to landfill if it is better sorted. And all this without big investments — just 10 euro is enough. Ideally, a network would be formed of responsible consumers (households and offices) and farmers who, thanks to the resulting compost, would produce organic food. Part of the compost would go to restore degraded land and plant trees.

However, in practice, Eugen encountered difficulties. Many people wanted to set up a composting station in their neighborhood, even helping to set it up, but were unwilling to participate in its maintenance, such as covering the compost with leaves or taking out the garbage that someone had thrown there.
“They were waiting for someone else to do it or even for us to come from another area and take care of it. People did not understand the goals of volunteering, they had some inflated expectations and even demands from the service that they receive for free”, the activist is annoyed.

It happened that citizens were frankly disappointed and quit sorting “organic matter”, especially if there were no composting points nearby. They were also embarrassed by the fact that precomposted organic waste is not quite as clean and odorless as they say on the Internet. Volunteers had to explain everything, to convince them. Gradually, the main target audience of such undertakings was determined: citizens who have a summer house (dacha) or a garden outside the city. They better understand why composting is necessary and why it is important to take care of the process.

Unfortunately, most of the composting stations are not working now, Eugen admits. Those that were in public areas were looted, pallets were stolen, and compost bins were turned into warehouses for the homeless or ordinary trash cans. Even those that stood in private courtyards did not survive. For the founder of the “Ask a Worm” initiative, this is food for thought: what needs to be improved in the concept in order to avoid such mistakes in the future?
“Compost stations should be installed in fenced areas. The boxes should be of better quality and closed. It is advisable to have a source of water nearby to wash the compost bins and moisten the compost. Finally, each compost point needs to be assigned a responsible person who would monitor the process and, if necessary, add carbon-rich materials and mix the mixture. It would be good to pay them, perhaps to collect small donations from users,” Eugen concludes.
Compost in the village. Photo: Ecovisio
Food from the “Public Refrigerator”
Cristina Spinu. Photo: Frigiderul Comunitar
Very often, food waste is not food leftovers, but discarded products that have not yet expired. Exorbitant waste, especially considering that in Moldova a large part of the population is lacks enough products. The “Public Refrigerator” Association is called upon to pay attention to this problem. It was established in 2020 and provides hot meals to those in need. The founder of the association, Cristina Spinu, said that at first she cooked hot meals at home with her own money, for 5-12 low-income citizens, especially lonely old people. Later, donations began to arrive at the association's account. Those in need of hot meals - lonely elderly people, retired people with modest incomes, the disabled and bedridden ones - are determined by local governments.
“My salary was not enough to feed 30 people in need. We decided to make everything official, opened an association, and after receiving donations from representatives of the diaspora, various legal entities, we increased the lists and started working with the mayor's offices of the villages. In Chisinau there are social canteens, mayor's offices, praetors who help with food, while in the villages there are people forgotten by the world,” she describes the situation.
Cristina Spinu. Photo: Ecovisio
Every month, twice a week, about 150 low-income people from various settlements in Moldova receive hot meals from the Public Refrigerator.
“On Sundays we feed at the Vatra Health Center [a city within the municipality of Chisinau]. Elderly people come with a pension certificate or with a certificate confirming that they have a disability group, and get hot food in their pot porridge, meat, as well as pies, fruits,” says the founder of the Public Refrigerator Association.
At the moment, the Public Refrigerator cooperates only with the Food Bank initiative. “Once a month, it donates food off the shelves, especially fruit, which we offer to retired people. For 3 years I have been calling manufacturers of bakery products, dairy products, meat, sending them official letters so far, unfortunately, Food Bank is our only partner,”Cristina says, upset with this fact.
The Food Bank project is based on models of similar international organizations aimed at reducing food waste, conserving resources and reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.It started its activity in Moldova in June 2021. Since then the initiative has saved 263,000 kg of food. This food is also used to prepare meals for those in need.
Food Bank. Photo: Ecovisio
Supermarkets are up to speed
Food products with damaged packaging or those with expiration date about to expire are handed over to Food Bank by one of the large supermarket chains in Chisinau, says the company's PR manager Cristina Arama. For the second year now, she has been developing a partnership with Food Bank and donating fruits, vegetables, pies, cereals, coffee that in total form an impressive amount of money.
“We support the local community through Food Bank and are constantly implementing waste prevention projects in each of our stores to ensure that food ends up on the table and not in the bin. From March to August 2021, our outlets, in partnership with Food Bank, returned more than 32,505 kg of food in this way in the amount of 900,000 leis [about 45,000 euro]. The products reached 45 organizations that supported more than 2,600 people in need by preparing over 65,000 servings for them. The second stage of the campaign took place in December 2021, when we collected 3,700 kg of products. Of these, 7,400 portions were prepared and donated to various NGOs, nursing homes and social institutions of the country,” said Cristina Arama.
Cristina Arama. Photo of the heroine
In addition, to prevent the formation of food waste, stores sell stale vegetables and fruits in the evening at a discount of up to 70-80%. “They can be chopped and used in soups or stews,” Christina added.
How to deal with food waste in restaurants
In addition to supermarkets, restaurants are a source of biowaste. In Moldova, their activities are regulated by the same Law No. 209. In particular, it requires food service establishments with more than 10 employees to develop and implement waste prevention measures. We found out in several restaurants in Chisinau how the provisions are observed in practice. Andrei, the head waiter of one of them, noted that employees and local residents take home the remains of bread, meat, and bones. But other food waste — onion peel, remains of potatoes, carrots — are thrown into trash, from where they end up in a landfill.

Victor, the manager of another restaurant in the capital of Moldova, said that food waste left by visitors is finely chopped and “used”, but did not specify where and how. According to the administrator, potatoes, carrots, onions, citrus peels are collected in bags, and then they are fed to animals. Neither of the two managers was able to answer how much organic waste their catering establishments produce during the day, week or month.
Alexander Tonu, marketing director of one of the restaurants located in the center of Chisinau, stressed that the leftovers from fruits and vegetables, such as peels of potatoes, carrots, oranges, are shredded. They are taken by an employee who lives in the village and fertilizes the soil with this mixture. Fats and bones are stored separately, and they, too, by agreement with the administration, are taken away by workers who feed their pets with it.

According to Alexander, there are two ways to deal with leftover bakery products: if there is technical waste from cutting, they are turned into breadcrumbs, and the half-eaten bread left by visitors is used as animal feed. The largest amount of waste is generated on Fridays, when there are 100 people in the restaurant.

Every week, the catering company produces about 6 m3 of food waste. Of these, 1 m3 of sorted vegetables is used for fertilizers, 2 m3 for employees' livestock.
Leaves and Christmas trees — for humus!

In addition to food waste, organic matter also includes dry leaves, mowed grass, branches, etc. Such waste is not only in villages, but also in cities. For example, local services of the municipality of Chisinau collect leaves that have fallen on the streets and in city parks and squares. According to an employee of the Management Company of the Municipal Housing Fund No. 5 of Chisinau Raisa Railean, they are recycled and used to make pellets.
Leaves harvested in the park. Photo: Ecovisio
The leaves are harvested from mid-August to December, and for this period this is a small increase in wages for workers. It happens that 4 tractors are loaded per day. However, not all leaves falling on the ground in the Chisinau municipality need to be collected, says Raisa Railean. Some, especially in parks, need to be left to rot, and then they will become fertilizer for the soil.

Video: Ecovisio

Collected leaves should be clean, not mixed with other debris, says Green Plantings Management Association foreman of Chisinau municipality Anatol Munteanu. In this form they are taken to a special site for organic waste, where they are composted and biohumus is obtained. Then it is used for planting trees, lawn care in the areas under the jurisdiction of the “Green Spaces” municipal enterprise. The collection of leaves is carried out in accordance with the Regulation on the delimitation, management and protection of green plantings in the Chisinau municipality of July 18, 2017. Leaves mixed with other garbage are sent to a landfill in the village of Pruncul.

Video: Ecovisio

Ecologists urge to leave leaves where they fell, because that it is part of nature that knows best how to turn them into valuable fertilizer, says Gabriela Isac, one of the founders of the Seed it Forward initiative. She reiterates, that in the forest, no one collects leaves. The soil there has a protective layer and is very fertile.
“Without leaves, the natural cycle is unbalanced, and problems arise — from a decrease in the population of useful fauna to soil degradation,” the activist explains.
Gabriela Isac. Photo: Ecovisio

Video: Ecovisio

The capital of Moldova also organizes the collection and processing of firs and spruces left after the New Year holidays. In early January, public utilities urge citizens not to throw them into the general garbage, but to store them separately. At the station in the municipality and Chisinau, the raw materials are processed together with leaves and other biodegradable waste and compost is made, which is used as fertilizer for plants.
Spruce processing. Photo: Ecovisio

Photo: Ecovisio

Organic waste management in Moldova is still at its formation stage, and here much depends on the cooperation of the authorities with local citizens, emphasize our experts.
What is done with medical waste in Moldova?
Of the 415,766.09 tons of garbage accumulated in the country in 2021, 552.27 tons were medical waste, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Their generation is regulated by the provisions of Law No. 209 (Article 55) and the Sanitary Regulations for Waste Management. The requirements apply to all medical institutions.
“In the waste of medical activities, the share of infectious and hazardous ones is small: it does not exceed 10%. The rest belong to the category of non-hazardous waste,Aurelia Bahnaru, “e-Circular” administrator of the non-governmental organization, tells us about the nuances.
Aurelia Bahnaru. Photo of the heroine
Some medical rubbish is autoclaved. This is a technology for the thermal treatment of infectious and sharps waste at low temperatures (from 100°C to 180°C) and in humid conditions (hot steam under pressure) in equipped rooms. Other waste is incinerated in special installations that provide high temperatures (+1200°C and more).
yellow color — for cutting, stinging, pathological and infectious waste, designated by codes 18 01 01, 18 01 02 and 18 01 03 * in the List of waste and the annex to the Sanitary Regulations. Containers containing such waste should have a Biohazard badge printed on them;
brown — for chemical, medical, including cytotoxic and cytostatic, amalgam waste under codes 18 01 06*, 18 01 08*, 18 01 09, 18 01 10* in the List of Waste and Sanitary Rules. On containers with them, the pictograms specified in Appendix No. 3 to Law No. 209 must be applied, including HP1 “Explosives”, HP2 “Oxidizing Substances”, HP3 “Flammable substances”, etc.;
green — for non-hazardous, recyclable waste, indicated in the List of Waste with codes 20 01 01, 20 01 02, 20 01 39 and 20 01 40;
black — for non-hazardous waste (household) in the List of waste under the code 20 03 01.
According to Aurelia Bahnaru, the biggest difficulty here is that hospitals do not know how to handle toxic and hazardous waste, in particular mercury-containing waste (mostly mercury thermometers).
“Accidents involving items containing mercury are very common. There are rules on how to collect mercury. It is then stored in jars in hospitals. And no one knows what to do with it, they don’t accept it anywhere,” the administrator of “e-Circular” draws attention to the problem.
A network of pharmacies in Moldova collects expired medicines and medical equipment, but not mercury. The same applies to masks, gloves, overalls, shoe covers. We went to several family doctor centers in Chisinau and saw used shoe covers being thrown into trash cans. They were also lying near these medical institutions on the street.

Photo: Ecovisio

Pharmacies are also actively in business

There are such indicative initiatives as the campaign to collect expired medicines and medical devices in Chisinau. It was launched in April 2021 by the Felicia pharmacy chain, installing special containers in its institutions.

Video: Ecovisio

“Initially, we conducted a pilot project in Chisinau, within which we collected expired medicines, plastic packaging for dermatocosmetics, and medical equipment. Over the year, we have expanded our activities, taking care of the health of our customers and the environment, and now we are collecting plastic packaging, expired medicines and medical devices in 5 more cities: Hincesti, Balti, Soroca, Ungheni and Comrat. At the moment, 11 pharmacies are participating in the campaign, but we want more of them,” said Tatiana Carabulea, PR-manager of the Felicia pharmacy chain.
Waste is collected in special boxes. Photo: Ecovisio
Over 4,600 kg of expired medicines, 58 kg of plastic packaging and 4 kg of medical products were collected during the campaign.
“We do not work alone, we have a partnership agreement with the NGO “MoldRec Group”. It collects, sorts and sends various types of waste for destruction,” said Tatiana Carabulea.
Ruslan Nercash, CEO of MoldRec Group, clarified that most of the medical devices collected in Moldovan pharmacies are waste of electrical and electronic equipment. They are sorted, packaged and transported to processing plants in Buzau and Campia Turzii in Romania. Expired medicines from individuals are also sorted and storedin sealed metal containers. This prevents them from polluting the air, water or soil. Temporarily they are in the warehouse of “MoldRec Group” on Industrialnaya Street in Chisinau, and then they are subject to destruction in France.

Video: Ecovisio

“At least 15 tons of hazardous waste must be collected for transportation to the French plant. 4.6 tons of medicines is not enough, because the transportation of this type of waste alone costs us about 20,000 euro,” concluded Ruslan Nercash.
Transportation is not a cheap pleasure. It turns out that all collected medical waste is collected in Chisinau. As it arises, until the solution of the issue at the state level arrives.