Sorting tanks. Photo: ISSD
Sorting containers are installed in 400 offices and 200 schools. Photo: ISSD
“Smart” trash can. Photo: SmartApaga
The first smart trash can in Erevan, 2019. Photo: SmartApaga
The application helps people collect and deliver waste paper. Photo:
A truck will drive up to home and pick up the waste paper. Photo:
Startup spreads the culture of waste sorting and recycling in various educational institutions. Photo:
The Urban Foundation proposed to product from polymer-sand composites, where the main material is high- and
low-density polyethylene. Photo by the organization
The technology was “tested” at a plant in the city of Kapan, Syunik Province. Photo by the Urban Foundation
Plastic was mixed with sand and colored powder and obtained the building materials. Photo by the Urban Foundation
The products has high technical characteristics. Photo by the Urban Foundation